Case Studies
Front Bridge
This patient was introduced by his wife with a specific request: “I want you to fix my husband’s teeth and make him look young again”. The twist was that he travels extensively. The 52-year-old male presented with ill-fitting and unsightly porcelain fused to a metal bridge on the upper front part of his mouth, extensive cavities on an adjacent tooth, and a failing gold crown on the a lower molar. Treatment options included braces, an implant, and a crown to replace the missing tooth in the front bridge area. Because the patient travels extensively for business, they opted for the quickest way of enhancing his smile. The treatment was completed in two short visits and consisted of replacing the existing bridge with a modern pressed all-ceramic bridge. And in the adjacent lateral incisor. The gold crown in the back was replaced with a very strong zirconia crown to withstand his strong zirconia crown to withstand his strong bite.
This young man was involved in a sporting accident which resulted in a severe fracture of his front teeth. A simple cosmetic addition process was used under the microscope to repair the teeth. The teeth were restored to their natural appearance in one short visit using direct bonding of composite resin.
Cosmetic Bonding
This young lady presented with mamelons on her front teeth. These are natural indentations on permanent teeth that normally wear down as the patient ages. In order to preserve the length of the teeth, direct composite resin bonding was used under the microscope to mask the unsightly indentations. Her father called to say that she had a new spring to her walk and that there was a dramatic positive change in her self confidence.
Orthodontics & Bonding
This young lady presented with a complaint that she did not like her appearance. Aside from the large gap between her front teeth, she had an old and stained composite restoration on the upper front tooth. The treatment involved orthodontics and simple cosmetic bonding to replace the restoration.
Complete Rehabilitation and Smile Makeover
This patient was struggling with neglected oral health, TMJ pain, and a bite disorder. With the help of Invisalign, dental implants, and ceramic crowns under the care of Dr. Ozzie Mayoral, she was able to achieve a beautiful and comfortable smile that she’s absolutely thrilled with. It’s amazing what modern dental techniques and a skilled dentist can achieve!
Complete Rehabilitation and Smile Makeover
This patient was struggling with neglected oral health, TMJ pain, and a bite disorder. With the help of Invisalign, dental implants, and ceramic crowns under the care of Dr. Ozzie Mayoral, she was able to achieve a beautiful and comfortable smile that she’s absolutely thrilled with. It’s amazing what modern dental techniques and a skilled dentist can achieve!
Smile Makeover Only 5 Teeth Treated!
By treating only five chipped and worn teeth with porcelain veneers, a ceramic crown, and direct composite bonding, this patient’s smile was greatly enhanced, taking years off her appearance. Not only does she look younger, but her improved smile has undoubtedly had a positive impact on her overall confidence and self-esteem.
Smile Makeover Only 5 Teeth Treated!
By treating only five chipped and worn teeth with porcelain veneers, a ceramic crown, and direct composite bonding, this patient’s smile was greatly enhanced, taking years off her appearance. Not only does she look younger, but her improved smile has undoubtedly had a positive impact on her overall confidence and self-esteem.