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Orthodontics: Orthodontic Treatment and Why You May Need It

a woman's beautiful smile

At Pinecrest Dental, our team of Board Certified Orthodontists can help you straighten crooked teeth and improve the position of your jaw. We specialize in providing orthodontics treatment for patients of all ages, including children and teenagers. What is it? Why is it necessary? and how is it done? Read below to know more.

What is Orthodontics?

Orthodontics is a branch of dentistry that focuses on diagnosing, preventing, and treating malpositioned teeth and jaws.

Orthodontic treatment is designed to correct the alignment of teeth. The goal is to create and keep an ideal bite (the relationship between the upper and lower teeth when biting together) as well as improve facial profile, jaw function, speech development, appearance and confidence.

At Pinecrest Dental It’s All About You.

What can This Branch of Dentistry Treat?

There are several teeth-related problems that orthodontic treatment can help with.

  • Mal-positioned teeth and jaws: Orthodontics can straighten crooked teeth, bring your bite into proper alignment, and give you a beautiful smile.
  • Underbite: An underbite is when the bottom front teeth stick out more than the top front teeth. This may cause problems with chewing or speech. Orthodontic treatment can move the jaw forward to close this gap between upper and lower jaw bones, which will make it easier for you to chew food properly and improve your speech.
  • Overbites (also called overjet): An overbite occurs when there is too much space between your upper front teeth and lower jaw bone (this is also known as an overjet). This may cause problems such as tooth decay or gum disease because food collects in this space instead of being chewed properly before entering your digestive system

Why See An Orthodontist: You May Need Orthodontic Treatment

Orthodontic treatment is needed to improve the position of teeth, prevent future dental problems and improve your oral health. It can also help you feel better about yourself by creating a more beautiful smile.

Orthodontics is a branch of dentistry that focuses on aligning teeth and jaws so that they are healthy and symmetrical. Orthodontists use braces, retainers or other types of corrective devices to move the teeth into proper position for optimal function and aesthetics. They also correct jaw abnormalities caused by malocclusion (malpositioning) or injury to the facial bones. Orthodontic treatment may include:

  • Braces
  • Retainers
  • Invisalign® clear aligners

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Our patients are at the center of all we do. From appointments to following up with your doctor, we ensure that your needs always come first.

Methods Adopted By Oral Health Specialists

The orthodontist may use several methods to align your teeth, depending on the severity of your problem. These include:

  • Braces: This is one of the most popular ways to straighten teeth. The orthodontist will gradually place brackets bonded to each tooth and connect them with wires that run from one bracket to another to shift each tooth’s position gradually.
  • Crowns: Orthodontists can also use crowns (ceramic caps) for correcting misaligned teeth or even damaged ones that need replacement due to decay, injury or infection.
  • Implants: If you have lost some of your teeth due to chronic gum disease or injury, an implant may be needed in order to anchor a new artificial tooth securely into place so that you can chew normally again without worrying about losing it if you bump into something! Invisalign is another option where clear plastic aligners are used instead of metal braces which are then removed once treatment is completed without leaving any noticeable signs behind except maybe some slight redness around gums after removal surgery was done right before starting treatment sessions too early as this would cause bleeding which could lead back pain later down road due `”¦ these symptoms would subside within just few days after surgery has been performed successfully so please make sure not rush things up when making decisions like this because rushing things up can lead towards making mistakes at times like these which could possibly cause further complications down road.”

Pinecrest Dental Has Board Certified Orthodontists

There are several types of board certification that you may see on a dentist or orthodontist’s letterhead.

Board Certified Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon (OMS) Board certified OMS dentists are often referred to as “oral surgeons,” and they provide a wide range of surgical procedures for your mouth, face and jaw. Among other things, these can include removing wisdom teeth or fixing an injury suffered by accident or illness. If you need surgery for correction of a severe overbite in order to improve your health or appearance, this type of specialist will be able to perform the procedure safely and effectively.

Who Qualifies for Orthodontic Treatment?

If you have a problem with your teeth and jaws, you may qualify for orthodontic treatment. If you have crooked teeth or gaps between your teeth, it can affect how well food is chewed and swallowed. A bad bite can also cause problems in eating, speaking, breathing and headaches.

If you are experiencing any of these problems and think orthodontic treatment might help:

Schedule an appointment with your dentist or orthodontist (a specialist who helps improve the alignment of the teeth). Your dentist will take an X-ray to make sure that wires will not damage any other tissues in the mouth such as gums or tongue when they bite down on them during eating or talking. You may also be given some photos of how your face looks now so that future changes can be measured over time to see if they’re improving enough to continue with treatment plans.

Having your Teeth and Jaws in Proper Alignment is Important

Having your teeth and jaws in proper alignment is important for many reasons.

  • Teeth that are not properly aligned can lead to discomfort while chewing or speaking.
  • A misaligned face can make you look older than you are, or it may cause problems with your bite, which could require additional dental work later on.
  • A poorly aligned jaw can affect your facial appearance, which will impact how others perceive you.
  • If a person’s teeth are crooked but the jaw is straight, this may create an awkward appearance instead of a more attractive one, even though the mouth looks normal from the outside! This is especially true if the patient has undergone orthodontic treatment but still has an unbalanced profile due to an incorrect bite relationship between their upper and lower teeth as well as insufficient overbite correction (overcrowding).

At Pinecrest Dental, Our team of Dentists Can Help You Straighten Crooked Teeth

If you’re interested in straightening your teeth, but don’t know where to start, we can help. Our team of Board Certified Orthodontists will guide you through the process of getting an orthodontic consultation and treatment plan that’s best for you.

To schedule an appointment with one of our orthodontists, call 305.670.8088 or visit our office . If this is something that interests you and feel that it would be beneficial to have more information on the process, feel free to ask any questions during your first visit so there are no surprises later down the road.


In this article, we have discussed what orthodontics is and the various types of treatments that are available to you. We also talked about why you may need orthodontic treatment and how it can help you to improve your smile.



    Dadeland Town Center One

    8950 SW 74th Court

    Suite 1212

    Miami, FL 33156

    Phone: 305.670.8088



    Mon – Thur:  8am – 5pm
    Friday:  8am – 12pm
    Sat – Sun:  Closed